Forums - Combos for Vampire Chronicles/Darkstalkers Show all 16 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Combos for Vampire Chronicles/Darkstalkers ( Posted by dredgulus on 06:14:2001 03:58 AM: Combos for Vampire Chronicles/Darkstalkers Timeflip started a thread about the Darkstalkers series. On this thread people were talking about everyone in the game. What I want to talk about is the combos in the game. Seeing how this game predates anything that CAPCOM with chain combos. This is the game for this: COMBOS. Feel free to post the most insane combo you ever performed in that game. I will be back soon with mine. Posted by Ryo Yamazaki on 06:14:2001 04:08 AM: Unfortunately I'm not that good so the only good combos I can do are chains and simple two-in-ones Hopefully jchensor can teach me and others some good combos for this game Posted by SilverGear on 06:14:2001 04:08 AM: Lilith Here are some Lilith combos: C. Jab > C. Short > C. Strong > C. Forward > C. Fierce J. Jab > J. Roundhouse > C. Jab > C. Short > C. Forward > C. Roundhouse > Toe Pierce (EX if you want more hits.) J. Jab > J. Fierce > S. Jab > S. Jab xx Merry Turn J. Fierce > J. Roundhouse > C. Forward xx EX Merry Turn > Toe Pierce (EX Toe Pierce for 10 hits.) Mirror Doll > J. Fierce > J. Roundhouse > S. Jab > S. Short > S. Strong > S. Forward > S. Fierce > S. Roundhouse xx Luminous Illusion (44 hits. Pretty hard to do but well worth it ) These are just some off the tip of my head though give me some time and maybe I'll post some more. Posted by Ryo Yamazaki on 06:14:2001 04:10 AM: Re: Lilith quote: Originally posted by SilverGear Here are some Lilith combos: C. Jab > C. Short > C. Strong > C. Forward > C. Fierce J. Jab > J. Roundhouse > C. Jab > C. Short > C. Forward > C. Roundhouse > Toe Pierce (EX if you want more hits.) J. Jab > J. Fierce > S. Jab > S. Jab xx Merry Turn J. Fierce > J. Roundhouse > C. Forward xx EX Merry Turn > Toe Pierce (EX Toe Pierce for 10 hits.) Mirror Doll > J. Fierce > J. Roundhouse > S. Jab > S. Short > S. Strong > S. Forward > S. Fierce > S. Roundhouse xx Luminous Illusion (44 hits. Pretty hard to do but well worth it ) These are just some off the tip of my head though give me some time and maybe I'll post some more. I'm right in guessing that Lillith is one of you fav characters in this game? She's one of my favs as well Those combos are pretty cool Posted by SilverGear on 06:14:2001 04:15 AM: Re: Re: Lilith. quote: Originally posted by Ryo Yamazaki I'm right in guessing that Lillith is one of you fav characters in this game? She's one of my favs as well Those combos are pretty cool Yes Sir you are correct. I love Lilith. And thanks. Hopefully you can find them of some use ^_^ Posted by Ryo Yamazaki on 06:14:2001 04:23 AM: Re: Re: Re: Lilith. quote: Originally posted by SilverGear Yes Sir you are correct. I love Lilith. And thanks. Hopefully you can find them of some use ^_^ I agree with what James said about Jedah in the other thread But he's still my fav character though So if anyone has any Jedah combos other than the chains then that woul be nice Posted by SilverGear on 06:14:2001 04:33 AM: Let's see.... quote: Originally posted by Ryo Yamazaki I agree with what James said about Jedah in the other thread But he's still my fav character though So if anyone has any Jedah combos other than the chains then that woul be nice I'll go fire up the DC and see what I can do for you. Maybe I'll beat James to the punch-line this time . lol just kidding James Posted by TimeFlip on 06:14:2001 04:57 AM: I usually stick with basic chain combos, but here's one for Q-Bee ES Delta Attack, Honey Ball Super, D+MkxxES Grab and Pierce(I have no idea what you call that move, and I don't want to know either) Posted by Ryo Yamazaki on 06:14:2001 05:19 AM: Re: Let's see.... quote: Originally posted by SilverGear I'll go fire up the DC and see what I can do for you. Maybe I'll beat James to the punch-line this time . lol just kidding James Thanks man I'm gonna play this game when I get home and find out some combos I know this is a bit much to ask of jchensor and SRK but do you think he could make a combo vid of VC? Perhaps using some of the combos in this topic? You never know, it could convince more people to hunt down and buy this game But it's wishful thinking I guess Posted by jchensor on 06:14:2001 05:43 AM: Nope nope nope!! Sorry. When I get some free time, I'm gonna record some nice Vampire Savior Combos (Saturn version AND DC version combos, as some combos don't work on both systems... ) for a Vampire Savior Combo Video. ^_^ So I want to keep everyone in suspense. ^_^ Time is VERY tight for me right now, though. So please, I beg everyone to be patient with me. But now that I've revealed my next secret project, maybe that'll inspire me to work on it sooner. But it'll have to wait until after Friday night, because that's when the Lakers will win the championship, and basketball will no longer be taking up my free time. ^_^ GO LAKERS!!! WOOOOOO!!!!! - James Chen, not a bandwagon Laker fan.... Been loyal to them and watching them even during the "Randy Pfund" Dark Ages. Posted by SilverGear on 06:14:2001 01:17 PM: Oh I like this. You're actually going to make a Vampire Savior combo video!?! OMG that's awesome! I'll look forward to that. Keep up the good work James. (P.S. I'll get those other combos up during Lunch time today.) Posted by SilverGear on 06:14:2001 03:44 PM: Jedah Okay here's some Jedah combos. They're nothing really amazing but you might like them so here we go: Dash > Air Forward > Air Short > C. Jab > C. Short > C. Strong > C. Fierce (8 hits) EX Nero = Fautica > EX Rasale = Cega (10 Hits) EX Dio = Cega > Dash > Air Forward > Air Short > C. Jab > C. Short > C. Strong > C. Fierce (13 hits.) That's all I could really find worth-while. If you want something amazing I guess you'll have to wait for James Chen to make that video. Knowing him he'll have some crazy stuff going on. Posted by Bastion on 06:14:2001 08:18 PM: James is too damn cool. Posted by Ryo Yamazaki on 06:15:2001 02:06 AM: Re: Jedah quote: Originally posted by SilverGear Okay here's some Jedah combos. They're nothing really amazing but you might like them so here we go: Dash > Air Forward > Air Short > C. Jab > C. Short > C. Strong > C. Fierce (8 hits) EX Nero = Fautica > EX Rasale = Cega (10 Hits) EX Dio = Cega > Dash > Air Forward > Air Short > C. Jab > C. Short > C. Strong > C. Fierce (13 hits.) That's all I could really find worth-while. If you want something amazing I guess you'll have to wait for James Chen to make that video. Knowing him he'll have some crazy stuff going on. Thanks for the combos. I'll try them out when I next play VC Posted by dredgulus on 06:15:2001 03:46 AM: Thank you, jchensor. For doing what noone had the galls to do. Please, let everyone know when the combo vid will be ready. Posted by mofojo on 06:15:2001 04:22 AM: hey people, there's a combo vid over at called gccforum volume 1. it's got a variety of stuff including mvc2, mk2, rs2, etc. but it's got about three of my darkstalker combos if you people are interested. only three combos, but hey, better than nothing right? All times are GMT. The time now is 10:08 PM. 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